Tuesday 23 September 2014

Chic Guest Blogger: Make Your Own Face Scrub

I was talking to my friend, Becky, the other day about skin care routines. Her skin was looking great and I wanted to know what her secret was. Turns out she's started making her own face scrub and so I begged her to share her secret with this blog. So without further ado, here is my first guest blog post written by Becky:

Ever spend countless hours staring at the range of facial scrubs high street stores like Lush or Body shop have to offer? Then, when you realise the extortionate prices, resign yourself to the fact that you’ll be washing your face with Tesco own brand soap for the rest of your life? I know I do.
Or... I did!  Recently, I discovered the economic benefits to making your own face scrub. Not only is it super cheap, easy and kind of fun, but it also feels really good to have a product that you’ve made yourself so you can be absolutely sure of what it contains.

For your own face scrub, you will need:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (you can use coconut, rose or lavender oils but these tend to be a bit more expensive and you need to go to a speciality store for them)
  • Sea Salt OR Brown Sugar
  • A small container which can be sealed.


  1. For my scrub, I used extra virgin olive oil (literally, the same oil you use to cook with) and San Francisco Sea Salt. I bought mine from San Francisco whilst on holiday, and I am definitely not going to suggest that you fly to San Francisco to do the same! If you want to purchase some, it costs $13 (£7.99) for a 2lb bag of bath salts which will last you around 4-5 months.

    Make sure you buy the bath salts, not the San Francisco face scrub as they are incredibly expensive in comparison.  Otherwise, feel free to use normal sea salt, or for a less abrasive and gentler scrub, I would recommend brown sugar.

  2. Take your container, and empty one teaspoon of your chosen oil into it.
  3. Add roughly 6 teaspoons of your chosen exfoliate to the oil.
  4. Using your hands (don’t be scared to get messy!) rub the salt into the oil until it is all mixed together. The scrub will not stick together, but should form clumps. If the scrub is too oily then simply add a bit more exfoliate!

  5. Voila! Your scrub is ready for you to use!

I like to use mine every two to three days, alternating it with a softer scrub such as Tea Tree face scrub (£3.69 from boots). The scrub is also best kept in the fridge too as it keeps it fresh and cool for your skin.
Happy Scrubbing!

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